Welcome to the Drums and Percussion Blog

This is where you'll find all of the information that you'll need to help you with your Drum and Percussion studies.

All of the exercises and notations here should open up in full screen - perfect for your iphone, ipad, or laptop. Feel free to save the exercises to your computer or print them out.

On the right hand side you'll see links to exercises for the basics of drum technique, Rudiments and some essential grooves. There also separate sections for Mr Forryan's students and Mr Stevenson's students.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Push Pull hi-hat technique

For those of you who have been looking at the Moeller hi-hat technique in lessons especially for fast shuffles or the funky drummer piece in trinity rock and pop G6 here's the video by Jo-Jo mayer i was asking you look at!

Push Pull Technique

 Hope this helps!